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Tips For Improving Dry Skin During Winter Time

Updated: Mar 8

From Someone that Has Dealt With Dry Skin and Psoriasis. Not A Doctor**


Focus on whole, unprocessed, nutrient dense foods. If you are eating a diet filled with refined foods your body is going to have a hard time staying healthy and your immune system won't be as strong, making you susceptible to diseases and illness. Diet is the foundation of all health issues. If you do not have a healthy, nutrient dense, unprocessed diet you will have a hard time addressing and improving any major health issues. An animal based diet is important for staying healthy and strong because animal foods contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals particularly the fat soluble vitamin d complex vitamins which includes the omega-3 fatty acids. Try eating hydrating foods - because our water is so filtered and lacks minerals we don't get as hydrated as we should. Eating hydrating foods makes it easier to absorb the nutrients. Try melons, citrus fruits, celery, cucumber. If your body is getting enough nutrients(vitamins and minerals) your immune system is less likely to be compromised.

Eat food in season as it will be higher in nutrients and buy organic when possible. Organic or not, thoroughly rinse your produce. Buy quality meats like grass fed red meat. For cheaper options I go for organic or USDA prime. Only get wild caught fish no farm raised. Make your own bone broth or buy the ones in the fridge/freezer section - this one has the most collagen in it. Raw dairy should be bought from a reputable source - sourced from happy, healthy, well exercised, pasture raised cows.

Omega 3 fatty acids is one of the best nutrients for your skin. You can get this from fatty fish including salmon and sardines. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts and other nuts and seeds are also a great source of omega 3's.

Foods I recommend:

Cut Back on Refined Sugar, Alcohol, and Caffeine

Unfortunately all of these things can be inflammatory which can lead to skin issues and breakouts. I know from experience with psoriasis I would get horrible cases the day after a night out of drinking. I know it can be hard but if you want to avoid skin issues this is a huge part of it.


If you do drink stay away from sugary drinks. If you are a wine lover go for organic/natural wines.  There are a ton of brands that make natural wines and are free of pesticides.

If you love coffee like me try drinking decaf. Also look for mold/toxin free coffee. Here are some good mold free/toxin free coffees to try.

If you're going to eat sugar try fruits, dates, honey, maple syrup. These forms of sugar are natural and the body knows how to process them.

Skincare Routine

  1. Get a sink and shower filter. Tap water contains a lot of chemicals that are drying to the skin.

  2. Try to use natural skincare.

  3. Stay away from drying products like drying face washes and actives.

  4. Simplify your routine. Your body produces natural oils so you want to make sure your routine is not stripping your face of your natural oils.

  5. Use natural products like clay, beef tallow, honey as much as possible over synthetic products.

  6. Lymphatic drainage like dry brushing.

  7. Try natural oils instead of moisturizers.

  8. Try to avoid hot showers.

  9. Natural and fragrance free body wash.


Sunlight or Red Light

This is not easy if you live in a cold and gloomy place. If you live somewhere that lacks sunlight invest in a red light. If you live somewhere sunny expose every part of your body to sunlight as much as possible.

Air Filter

If you have the money to do so I would invest in an air filter. Mold toxicity plays a huge role in our health and many homes have mold. Also use non toxic candles if you are going to use them.

All Natural Cleaning Products

This can not be stressed enough invest in all natural cleaning products. You can find suggestions on my products page. Many traditional cleaning products from the grocery store are extremely toxic.

Avoid The Heater

Having the heat blasting is going to dry out your skin. Bundle up instead.

Invest In A Humidifier

Humidifier will helps keeps things moist in your home - or at least not as dry.

Optional - Salt Water

If you live near the ocean I recommend jumping in it every once in awhile. The ocean has a ton of minerals in it that are good for your skin. I had the best skin when I lived in Hawaii and I believe it was due to going in the ocean everyday.

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